the film, Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse, came and went in
the theaters and I hadn’t made a fuss about not seeing it, as you can tell by
my reasoning up above. But I’d kept an eye on it, as the TV spots seemed
interesting, and even the trailer had me curious as to the what the story may
be about. I’d noticed there was a comedic side to the movie, not really
taking the zombie genre too seriously, and that’s a whole other rationale as to
why I’d decided to miss this film during its run in theaters—I really dislike
when a horror film is made into a parody of itself.
I’d noticed the movie was available on Netflix recently, I had placed it in my
queue and sort of left it in limbo for a while, letting it stay towards the top
but in the 20s somewhere. I had simply forgotten about it and I guess it
just made its way to the top spot without me noticing until it showed up in my
mailbox the other day. Even after opening it up and looking at the disc, I
still left it aside and opted to watch other movies instead—either ones I own
or others that showed up from Netflix. But I hate to have discs just sit
aside gathering dust and usually feel I have to make the decision: watch it or
send it back.
I’d watched it.
before discussing it, let me synopsize it for you.
Three scouts—Ben (Tye Sheridan), Carter (Logan Miller), and Augie
(Joey Morgan), on the eve of their last camp-out, discover the true meaning of
friendship when they attempt to save their town from a zombie outbreak.

Now it’s surprising that the director of this film—Christopher Landon—made a zombie genre film work so well as a comedy. A year before, he’d directed Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones, a serious film (and the last good film, if not the best, of that series), and you’d think someone who had helmed a film with such a serious tone would step into a comedy so easily. Landon even had a hand in writing the screenplay with the help of three other writers (Carrie Lee Wilson, Emi Mochizuki, and Lona Williams). Landon, et al, have very little experience on their résumé, each one only involved with a few movies or productions, that I’m surprised Paramount Pictures trusted this film with them. Then again, promotion was scarce and I didn’t see much on TV or any trailers in theaters, so maybe they had some extra money to throw away and gave these unknowns a chance…? I don’t know. But they made it work and I hope this film garners a sequel…they can definitely play it out and extend this from a citywide plague to a statewide or countrywide pandemic.
Now, although the synopsis of the film is simplified to get the
plot across, it’s a little more intricate with the relationship of the three
main characters. The three friends have known each other since grade
school and have been scouts since then. However, Ben, and especially
Carter, have realized that they’ve outgrown the scouts now that they’re in high
school and coming into their own, leaving Augie as the only one who’s committed
to being a scout for life. Each friend has their own reasoning for their
decisions—Ben simply feels he’s outgrown the scout oath and uniform, Carter
wants to be accepted by the older high schoolers and is extremely motivated by
girls and the possibility of sexual relationships, and Augie is dedicated in
his scouthood because of the dedication to his friends. But the crux of
all this is that Augie doesn’t know how his friends feel until he catches them
in betrayal, causing a rift between the boys. So, there’s a lot for them
to overcome before they get together to save their town.
Also in this movie is David Koechner as Scout Leader Rogers,
featured in only a few scenes, but funny as always. I was thrown off by
the toupee he wears during the film, but at first I guessed it was added to
make him look a bit younger…I don’t know. But his character is peppered
throughout for comedy sake as a running joke…I won’t spoil it for you, but it
made me smile every time.

Besides the main plot of having Ben, Carter, and Augie needing to
save most of the kids who are holed up in some warehouse attending a rave,
there’s a subplot of how our main protagonist, Ben, has feelings for Carter’s
sister, Kendall (Halston Sage). I felt it was a bit clichéd to feature
this in the movie, seeing as how the film avoided many common story tropes
throughout, but then the character of Denise (Sarah Dumont) was added, giving
the subplot a love triangle feel to it. I like how the filmmakers went
this way, showing that the two girls were very different—Kendall was the
nice girl that treated Ben like a brother, while Denise was the hard-ass chick
that worked in the local strip joint. Although the story ended a bit
differently than I’d thought (regarding this love triangle), it was quite
enjoyable to see this subplot play out.
Another funny stand-out in the movie is Carter’s nosy neighbor,
Miss Fielder (Cloris Leachman). Though she was the stereotypical old lady
who snoops on her neighbors and intervenes with anyone who comes within her
property, her house and cats play a pivotal—as well as hilarious—part near the
end of this movie. It was silly and not very realistic, but I laughed my
ass off.
Now, like I’d mentioned, the friends do find themselves in a
falling-out within their relationships, but when they finally resolve their
differences and ready themselves to do battle against the zombies that are
attacking their fellow high schoolers, I thought it was pretty cool. As
the boys go to the local hardware store to gather supplies, I like the way the
filmmakers hint to us what each scout is doing by showing us their merit badges
before seeing them gather their materials and putting their armaments together.
Knowing that they’ve each created weapons by their scout skills (I thought
Augie’s was the best) and seeing them enter the party to save all the
party-goers, you know it’s on!

Thanks for reading!
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