So…once again, I found myself itching for some
entertainment—something horrific, dramatic, action-packed, or funny—as I found
myself plopped on the couch and sifting through the streaming menu. One
such film that had been on the trending portion of the menu (the titles that
members had been watching or rating a lot) and saw the title, Cheap Thrills,
float by with a rating of over three stars. But…I thought it was a
straight comedy and really didn’t feel like clicking on it at that point in
time. One of the reasons why I thought it had been a comedy was that the
title cover featured the main cast, all looking at the camera and smiling, even
though one of them had a very bloody nose (take a look at the movie poster and
you’ll see what I mean). Another reason I had thought this was a straight
comedy was the inclusion of David Koechner in the cast—which turned into a
motive on why I decided to watch it. Even after reading the synopsis, I
still had trouble pulling the trigger on this one, just due to that
happy-go-lucky movie poster.
Well, I finally clicked on the play button just the other
day and became instantly absorbed by this one. So, let me break down the
plot for you before we discuss…

At the commencement of this film, I have to admit that I
had my doubts, especially when we see the main character losing his job and
becoming very depressed, finding himself at a bar and having a beer. Now
I’ve never understood the concept of heading to a bar after work to drink and
unwind, feeling it’d be awkward to sit down in the company of strangers and
becoming inebriated. The way I’ve always unwound after work was to go
home and watch a ballgame or a movie…maybe I don’t understand the
going-to-a-bar philosophy because I don’t drink. But that was my dilemma
as I was going through this introduction of our main character, Craig, until
his old friend, Vince, walked in. At that point, I’d really grew
engrossed in this film.
I don’t mean to sound callous, but, man, has Ethan Embry
aged! The first time I’d seen him in anything was the coming-of-age
teenage movie, Can’t Hardly Wait (don’t judge me), back in 1998. At 20
years old, he played the part of a high schooler and it worked. Now, at
38, he definitely can play the older man, seeming like he partied a bit since
that 1998 film. As a matter of fact, he was recently in a commercial with
Christie Brinkley, playing her husband as they were driving in a vehicle for an
SUV advertisement. It was a play on the Vacation movies, since they were
playing the theme song from the first film and the reason why, I’m guessing,
that they were in this commercial together was that Brinkley was in the first
film and Embry was in Vegas Vacation, playing the part of Rusty. Point of
all this? Even though she’s 24 years Embry’s senior, you can’t tell, as
they seem like the same age and believable as a married couple.
Well, that went off the rails pretty quickly, didn’t
it? Anyway…back to Cheap Thrills…
When Vince walks in and sees Craig, sitting with him and
catching up on old times, that’s when the movie really gets going and changes
gears. We get perfect character development between these two old friends
and it works because these two actors have great chemistry, making you believe
they’re truly good friends. Yet, they have a yin-yang type of
relationship once they’ve met Colin and Violet—Craig not wanting to take part
in a lot of the dares, while Vince is ready to do anything to get his hands on
some easy money. At first, Craig is the levelheaded friend between them
with Vince vigorously egging him on to perform some of the tasks, but as they
become more and more violent, both Craig and Vince change their personas
dramatically. It’s a true look at how money can change people.
Cheap Thrills is by no means a perfect movie, as it needs
the audience to accept something that drives this story and that’s the
character of Colin and his motivation, which seems to be just to have some
merciless fun as he takes advantage of the destitute character of Craig.
Also, it’d be hard to believe that someone that has the means to so much money
would easily throw it around, taking a chance that the victim he chooses won’t
just give up and take the money he’d achieved so far, not choosing to go for
more provocations. If you can set that aside, which is easy to do because
your thought process will be working to figure out what Colin’s angle is
throughout this whole ordeal, you can appreciate this fun movie.

You know, I’d mentioned Ethan Embry a bit (though maybe not in such a good light), but I really hadn’t gone into Pat Healy’s history in cinema. Though I didn’t recognize him while watching this film, I still didn’t really know who he was even after reading through his bio. But the man has been in the business for quite some time with 90-plus productions he’s acted in, from popular television series to a number of films. Healy was exceptional in Cheap Thrills and I’d enjoyed his performance as the everyman who usually doesn’t get a break, yet finally fights to get one in this story.
Although Sara Paxton was sort of wasted in this film with nothing much to do, David Koechner was surprisingly amazing in this flick. Usually he plays a funny—yet dumb—throwaway character. Here? He’s a likable, but ruthless, individual. It’s actually weird to see him play someone serious when all you know him as is Champ Kind from Anchorman.
So what’s my final “bit” on Cheap Thrills?
I dug it, man! From the moment Embry and Healy
interact in the bar, I was stuck on this movie and felt the need to see it all
the way through. The further you get in the story, the more you want to
stay to see how it’ll end. It’s strange at times (especially Koechner’s
martial arts skills) and will have you guessing on what the outcome will be,
and you may even go through a range of emotions as things play out. But
it’s fun to see how each challenge is dealt with by the two main characters and
although the ending has a little something to be desired, the end results will
stay with you for a while. Highly recommended.
Thanks for reading!
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