Well, either it worked or Paramount Studios conducted a
brilliant strategy to get people enthused for this film, aptly titled, Paranormal Activity. Whatever the case may be, the social media
advertisements and TV spots brought out the audiences in droves to see this

After the success of that initial film, with a pretty
successful two sequels, an iffy third sequel, and a Latino spin-off, we now get
the sixth film in this series…Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension.
Using a special camera that can see spirits, a family must
protect their daughter from an evil entity with a sinister plan.
Now, from the outset, I’ll just have to say that Paranormal
Activity: The Ghost Dimension decided to use something throughout the
whole film that people had complained about in the first film (which, by the
way, was only used for a second at the end of the film)—computer generated
special effects. See, just about everyone
loved that first movie, but complained about the final seconds of it, where the
character of Katie (Katie Featherston) looked straight into the camera and her
face turned into a demon (via CGI). The
consensus of movie-goers didn’t really care for that, and neither did I—it just
took away from the realism that had been displayed throughout the entire story
just plunged you right back into fantasyland, where the audience became
cognizant once again and knew they were only watching a fictional account. But the filmmakers had gotten away with it,
seeing that it was the very end of the film and served as a final nail hammered
into the story. Like I’d said, some
liked it, some didn’t. But, overall,
that last second is not what everybody had remembered if you were to ask. What most people, including myself, recall is
the eerie and spooky feel that most people experience when they’re all alone in
the house. The feeling of not knowing
when, or if, something is about to happen…the quiet that gets under your
skin…the creaks, the unexplained sounds you hear within your home…that’s what
that first film gave us. In Paranormal
Activity: The Ghost Dimension, they use these special effects as a
crutch and it’s very noticeable.
Now, it’s a very novel idea, how this new character, Ryan
(Chris J. Murray), finds an old modified camera that, when filming, can pick up
visuals not seen with the naked eye. The
only problem is who modified it? Was it
Dennis from the third film? Since this
film features home movies of the younger versions of Katie and Kristi, it must
be. But we’d never seen him create this
camera in that movie—he only used a
normal one and the only modifications applied was utilizing an oscillating
fan’s motor so the camera can pan side-to-side when used unattended. Right away, this “special” camera is a huge
plot hole.
Other than that original idea, there’s really nothing much
more this film gives us; there’s nothing new, nothing fresh, just the
already-treaded-upon plot we’ve seen in the previous movies. The family has someone—in this case, it’s
Leila (Ivy George), the young daughter—that the demon attaches itself upon,
someone video records every single second of everything and way beyond reason,
a family member makes excuses for the recorded evidence, and it all climaxes at the very end where some extraordinary moment happens that’s supposed to
shock the audience. With the previous
five movies, it worked; with this film—the sixth in the series, I might add,
and we know what the typical track record is for a movie of that succession—it
didn’t. The story didn’t give us
anything new, nothing was in this movie that we hadn’t seen before, it's just a banal movie that incites boredom within the audience. It’s too bad because I’d really thought we
were going to get something better, especially seeing that we had to wait a bit
longer than the other sequels (each one came out a year later than the previous
The only thing that comes to mind when remembering this film
is that it seemed the filmmakers were diagnosed with Lucasitis and felt the
need to put in all kinds of CGI in place of a story, taking away that
pensiveness we’d all felt during the first three (part four had it as well, but
the story was so convoluted, I don’t want to count that one here). Even the spin-off was pretty eerie and gave
us a fresh take on the subject.
With the other films in this series, I was totally
enthralled, waiting to see what would happen next, even though there was a lot
of downtime and nothing happening in sections of the film. Here, in Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension,
I did go into another dimension. The dimension of being zoned out and not
paying attention to the film because there was nothing to keep me interested.
My final “bit” on Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension?
Skip it. There is no
saving grace here…it’s a rehash of what we’ve seen, a threadbare story,
nonsensical actions by the main characters, a gaping plot hole I’d mentioned
earlier, and it’s just a plain old boring movie. Instead of having the subtitle, The Ghost Dimension, it should have been
The Final Chapter.
Thanks for reading!