Every 23rd Spring, for 23 days, it gets to eat... Welcome to day 23.
A while back, I had posted my thoughts on Jeepers Creepers (click here for that review) and how I thought it was an original concept, giving me a new horror film to watch annually. I find that the horror franchises I like best are the ones that feature some sort of boogeyman as the villain who stalks after teens throughout the films. Jeepers Creepers fit that bill nicely, right on par with Jason Voorhees and Freddy Krueger. As much praise as I had given that first film, I'd never followed up with what I thought about its sequel, Jeepers Creepers 2. So here I go...better late than never, I guess.
Back when 2001's Jeepers Creepers came out on home media, I'd queued it up on my Netflix list and had it sent to me shortly after. It was a simple story, really, about a demonic being-The Creeper-that ate parts of people it needed for itself. If it lost an arm or leg, it would eat the arm or leg of a person to replace its own arm or leg. To do this, it drove some antiquated truck with a souped up engine that had one whopper of a horn and travelled the local highway for its victims.
Such a simple concept, yet it propelled this demonic being to the ranks of all the well-known horror icons in an instant. But that film was only the tip of the iceberg, as we had more to learn about this mysterious creature, and that's where 2003's Jeepers Creepers 2 comes in.
When I had heard about that the sequel was going forth and being filmed, again written and directed by Victor Salva, I was pretty happy about it. I had heard that the first film was cut here and there, as requested by the studio, to be able to skim it down to a shorter running time, so I was hoping we'd get a bit more story to what The Creeper is really all about. As filming was taking place, more info came about as to what the story was going to be, and that's when the whole of the plot came out that it was going to take place on, and around, a bus filled with high schoolers. I was a little disappointed initially because I loved the travelling aspect of the first film and how it took place in multiple locations. Alas, I waited patiently and when the day came that Jeepers Creepers 2 was released in theaters, I took a drive to our town's local movie house and paid my money to see the film.

Ray Wise's character of Jack Taggart was the heart of this movie and should've been more prevalent in the story. He sort of bookends the film with what happened to his son in the beginning and how he comes in to face the creature at the end. But overall, he is the Captain Ahab of this tale with The Creeper being his Moby Dick. The film is saved with that sense of revenge that the character tries to get because without it, the film wouldn't be much fun.
As I'd said, we do get a bit more of The Creeper in this one, but at the same time we're still treated to more mystery about it. One thing for sure, we get to see that there really may be no way to kill it-after seeing the javelin scene, you'll know what I'm talking about. But there's more flying scenes (as it seems to be his
preferred method of travel in this one), its use of weapons and tools, how its body works (sense of smell and if it really needs certain body parts to survive), and how relentless it can be.
So, what's my final "bit" on Jeepers Creepers 2?
Jeepers Creepers 2 definitely delivers the scares and the suspense, this time giving us a hero that wants to settle a score by avenging his son's death. Though it suffers a bit by including such a large cast of characters, the story is well told and enjoyable. The Creeper is certainly close to becoming a household name, so where's the sequel to this one? It's been over ten years since Salva has mentioned that he has a script for a sequel, so what's the holdup? IMDb has the sequel (Jeepers Creepers 3) under Salva's name, but with question marks where the year should be noted. Are they going to wait the actual 23 years for another story? Is it Salva's past that's in question? What is it? Hopefully we get it soon and keep The Creeper on the minds of horror hounds for years to come. For now, I recommend both films...see them if you haven't already.
Thanks for reading...and I welcome any comments!
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